Vehicle Model
2005 International
Primary Category
Best Bus
Secondary Category
Best Home Built
Instagram @weliveonabus
Additional Info
Our home is a 2005 International school bus. We wanted a home on wheels that allowed us to travel and one that we could customized to meet all of our needs. This skoolie does all of that! After adventure, our goal was to create a home that minimized our bills. On top of living mortgage free, we also have the ability to live off grid. We have solar power and a composting toilet so we can avoid staying in campgrounds more often than not. Most of our time indoors is spent working online so we can explore wherever we have landed for the day. We built in several work spaces throughout the bus to accommodate the online aspect of our lives. The boys are enrolled in a homeschool curriculum. They have 2 seating areas to choose from and it was important to us that their bunks be spaced so they could work comfortably in bed if they want. Chris teaches English to students online so our living room transforms into his classroom during early morning hours. The bulk of my time is spent managing social media accounts for small businesses. When I write, I need alone time so we made sure our bedroom had a heavy wood door to create a sound barrier. Being comfortable and productive is a must when we are gathered together. The feature that stands out to most people is our water propagation wall. We grow herbs and house plants to exchange with friends as we travel and enjoy for ourselves.