.::What: Test your skills on the College Compound Pump Park. You will be judged on speed, style and tricks and amplitude in 60 sec runs. This is a mountain bike only competition but you are welcome to ride your BMX prior to the comp.
.::Where: College Compound, 54075 S River Rd, Clarksburg, CA 95612-5041
.::When: Comp starts at 10 AM on Sunday, 9/9. Practice on Friday, 9/7 and Saturday,9/8 and Sunday, 9/9. Actual times TBD. You will be able to practice at night.
- Open Women
- Open Men
- 16 & Under
- $25 entery fee
The Open Women’s and Men’s Winner takes home all the cash. 16 & Under Winner will a prize pack including a free week of Winter Camp at Woodward West.
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